3  Reproducible Data Science

Data science projects should be reproducible to be trustworthy. Dynamic documents facilitate reproducibility. Quarto is an open-source dynamic document preparation system, ideal for scientific and technical publishing. From the official websites, Quarto can be used to:

3.1 Introduction to Quarto

To get started with Quarto, see documentation at Quarto.

For a clean style, I suggest that you use VS Code as your IDE. The ipynb files have extra formats in plain texts, which are not as clean as qmd files. There are, of course, tools to convert between the two representations of a notebook. For example:

quarto convert hello.ipynb # converts to qmd
quarto convert hello.qmd   # converts to ipynb

We will use Quarto for homework assignments, classnotes, and presentations. You will see them in action through in-class demonstrations. The following sections in the Quarto Guide are immediately useful.

A template for homework is in this repo (hwtemp.qmd) to get you started with homework assignments.

3.2 Compiling the Classnotes

The sources of the classnotes are at https://github.com/statds/ids-s25. This is also the source tree that you will contributed to this semester. I expect that you clone the repository to your own computer, update it frequently, and compile the latest version on your computer (reproducibility).

To compile the classnotes, you need the following tools: Git, Quarto, and Python.

3.2.1 Set up your Python Virtual Environment

I suggest that a Python virtual environment for the classnotes be set up in the current directory for reproducibility. A Python virtual environment is simply a directory with a particular file structure, which contains a specific Python interpreter and software libraries and binaries needed to support a project. It allows us to isolate our Python development projects from our system installed Python and other Python environments.

To create a Python virtual environment for our classnotes:

python3 -m venv .ids-s25-venv

Here .ids-s25-venv is the name of the virtual environment to be created. Choose an informative name. This only needs to be set up once.

To activate this virtual environment:

. .ids-s25-venv/bin/activate

After activating the virtual environment, you will see (.ids-s25-venv) at the beginning of your shell prompt. Then, the Python interpreter and packages needed will be the local versions in this virtual environment without interfering your system-wide installation or other virtual environments.

To install the Python packages that are needed to compile the classnotes, we have a requirements.txt file that specifies the packages and their versions. They can be installed easily with:

pip install -r requirements.txt

If you are interested in learning how to create the requirements.txt file, just put your question into a Google search.

To exit the virtual environment, simply type deactivate in your command line. This will return you to your system’s global Python environment.

3.2.2 Clone the Repository

Clone the repository to your own computer. In a terminal (command line), go to an appropriate directory (folder), and clone the repo. For example, if you use ssh for authentication:

git clone git@github.com:statds/ids-s25.git

3.2.3 Render the Classnotes

Assuming quarto has been set up, we render the classnotes in the cloned repository

cd ids-s25
quarto render

If there are error messages, search and find solutions to clear them. Otherwise, the html version of the notes will be available under _book/index.html, which is default location of the output.

3.2.4 Login Requirements

For some illustrations, you need to interact with certain sites that require account information. For example, for Google map services, you need to save your API key in a file named api_key.txt in the root folder of the source. Another example is to access the US Census API, where you would need to register an account and get your Census API Key.

3.3 A Primer of Markdown

This section was prepared by Shiyi Li. I am a senior majoring in Mathematics/ Statistics and minoring in CSE. I aim to graduate from the University of Connecticut in August and continue my master’s in Data Science program.

3.3.1 Introduction

Today’s presentation, I will introduce some basic syntax on markdown. Markdown is a plain text format, an easy way to write content for a web interface. It is widely used in open-source documentation, including GitHub, R Markdown, Quarto, Jupyter Notebooks, etc. Its syntax is easy to learn, write, read, and seamlessly convert to HTML, PDF, and DOCX formats. I will divide my presentation into three parts, Structuring the Document, Formatting Text, and Enhancing Content.

3.3.2 Structuring the Document

There are some elements can define sections and hierarchy to help organize content in a clear and structured manner. Headings

  1. To create heading levels for topics, sections, or subsections, you can add number signs, “#”, before you write any content for them.
  • Example:

You can code like this:

# Heading 1 (Main Title)

## Heading 2 (Section)

### Heading 3 (Subsection)

#### Heading 4

##### Heading 5

###### Heading 6

Be careful, you need to make sure that there is a blank line before and after your heading levels and a space between your number sign “#” and the heading name.

  1. Alternatively, you can also use any number of double equal sign, “==”, or double dashes sign, “–”, to create a heading.
  • Example:

You can code like this:

Heading 1 (Main Title)
Heading 2 (Section)

However, this method can only be used to create two heading levels like above. Horizontal Rules - line Seperator

  • A horizontal rule adds a visual break between parts of text by adding three or more asterisks, “***“, dashes,”—“, or underscores,”___“, on a line by themselves.

  • Example:

You can code like this:

This is the part 1.


This is the part 2.


This is the part 3.


This is the part 4.
  • This code chunk will output like this:

This is the part 1.

This is the part 2.

This is the part 3.

This is the part 4.

Be careful. You need to make sure you add a blank line before and after your separator line. Paragraphs

  • To create paragraphs, you can add a blank line between two paragraphs just like you usually create paragraphs in an essay.

  • Example:

You can code like this:

This is the first paragraph ........................................
... end the first paragraph.

This is the second paragraph .........................................................
...end the second paragraph.
  • This will output like this:

This is the first paragraph …………………………………. …………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………… … end the first paragraph.

This is the second paragraph ………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………. …………………………………………………………… …end the second paragraph. Blockquotes

  1. To highlight multiple line important text, cite multiple line references, or quote multiple line important points, you can add a greater than sign, “>”, at the begining of each line of the text.
  • Example:

You can code like this:

> This is an important text.
> This is a citation/reference.
> This is a quotation.
  • This code will output like this:

This is an important text.

This is a citation/reference.

This is a quotation.

  • Wrong Example:

If you code like this:

> This is an important text.
> This is a citation/reference.
> This is a quotation.
  • It will output like this:

This is an important text. This is a citation/reference. This is a quotation.

Be sure to add a blank line with a greater-than sign, “>”, otherwise the output will display multiple lines of text in a single line.

  1. You can also nest blockquotes by adding two or more greater than signs, “>>”.
  • Example:

You can code like this:

> This is an important text.
>> This is a citation/reference.
>>> This is a quotation.
  • This code will output like this:

This is an important text.

This is a citation/reference.

This is a quotation.

Be sure to add a blank line before the first line of your blockquotes, otherwise, it will not look right.

3.3.3 Formatting Text

There are some elements to make text stand out, improving emphasis and readability like Bold, Italic, and Strikethrough text. Bold

  • To bold text, you can add two asterisks, “**“, or underscores,”__“, before and after the text.

  • Example:

You can code like this:

**This is the first important text.**

__This is the second important text.__

This is the __third important__ text.

This is the **fourth important** text.

This is the f**if**th important text.
  • This will output like this:

This is the first important text.

This is the second important text.

This is the third important text.

This is the fourth important text.

This is the fifth important text.

Be careful do not use underscores, “__“, to bold charachers inside a word, like this”This is the fifth im__portan__t text”.*** Italic

  • To italicize a text, you can add one asterisk, “*“, or one underscore,”_“, before and after a text.

  • Example:

You can code like this:

*ThIs Is the fIrst Important TexT.*

_ThIs Is the second Important TexT._

This is the _Third ImportanT_ text.

This is the *fourth ImportanT* text.

Fifth im*PORtaN*t text.
  • This code chunk will output like this:

ThIs Is the fIrst Important TexT.

ThIs Is the second Important TexT.

This is the Third ImportanT text.

This is the fourth ImportanT text.

Fifth imPORtaNt text.

Be careful don’t use underscores, “_“, to italicize charachers inside a word, like this”Fifth im_porta_nt text”. Bold & Italic

To bold and italicize for the same text, you can use three asterisks, “***“, or three underscores,”___“, before and after a text.

  • Example:

You can code like this:

***This is the first important text.***

___This is the second important text.___

This is the ___third important___ text.

This is the ***fourth important*** text.

Fifth i***mportan***t text.
  • This code chunk will output like this:

This is the first important text.

This is the second important text.

This is the third important text.

This is the fourth important text.

Fifth important text.

Be careful don’t use underscores, “___“, to bold and italicize charachers inside a word, like this”Fifth im___porta___nt text”. Highlight

  • To highlight a text, you can add this sign, “<mark>”, before the text and add this sign, “</mark>”, after the text.

  • Example:

You can code like this:

<mark>This is a text that needs to be highlighted.</mark>

This is a te<mark>xt that needs to be high</mark>lighted.
  • This code chunk will output like this:

This is a text that needs to be highlighted.

This is a text that needs to be highlighted. Strikethrough - Deleted or Removed Text

  • To show a deletion or correction on a text, you can add double tilde signs, “~~”, before and after the part of the deletion or correction on your text.

  • Example:

You can code like this:

~~This text is struck through~~ This is the correct text.
  • This code chunk will output like this:

This text is struck through This is the correct text.

3.3.4 Enhancing Content

To enhance the illustrative capabilities of your content, there are several elements you can add to your document, including subscript, superscript, lists, tables, footnotes, links, images, math notations, etc. Subscript

  • To add a subscript before, after or within a number or word, you can add a tilde symbol, “~”, before and after the text you want to subscript.

  • Example:

You can code like this:

This is a subscript before and after a word: 


This is a subscript within a word: 


This is a subscript before and after a number: 


This is a subscript within a number: 

  • This code chunk will output like this:

This is a subscript before and after a word:


This is a subscript within a word:


This is a subscript before and after a number:


This is a subscript within a number:


Be sure not to add any spaces or tabs between the two tilde symbols, “~ ~”. Superscript

  • To add a superscript before, after or within a number or word, you can add a caret symbol, “^”, before and after the text you want to superscript.

  • Example:

You can code like this:

This is a superscript before and after a word:


This is a superscript within a word:


This is a superscript before and after a number:


This is a superscript within a number:

  • This will output like this:

This is a superscript before and after a word:


This is a superscript within a word:


This is a superscript before and after a number:


This is a superscript within a number:


Be sure not to add any spaces or tabs between the two caret symbols, “”. Lists

To organize a list (nested list), you can use ordered or unordered numbers or alphabets followed by a period sign, “.”, dashes, “-”, asterisks, “*“, or plus signs,”+“, in front of line items. Markdown is smart, it will automatically detect and organize a list for you.

1. Using Ordered numbers followed by a period sign:

  • Example:

You can code like this:

1. First item
2. Second item
    1. Third item
    2. Fourth item
3. Fifth item
  • This code chunk will output like this:

Using Ordered numbers followed by a period sign:

  1. First item
  2. Second item
    1. Third item
    2. Fourth item
  3. Fifth item

2. Using Unordered numbers followed by a period sign:

  • Example:

You can code like this:

2. First item
2. Second item
    2. Third item
    2. Fourth item
2. Fifth item

2. First item
7. Second item
    9. Third item
    2. Fourth item
10. Fifth item
  • This code chunk will output like this:

Using Unordered numbers followed by a period sign:

  1. First item

  2. Second item

    1. Third item
    2. Fourth item
  3. Fifth item

  4. First item

  5. Second item

    1. Third item
    2. Fourth item
  6. Fifth item

Be careful, for an unordered list to work as you want, you need to take care of the first number or letter of the first item of your (nested) list, because markdown will order the list starting with the first number or alphabet of your (nested) list.

3. Using dashes:

  • Example:

You can code like this:

- First item
- Second item
    - Third item
    - Fourth item
- Fifth item
  • This code chunk will output like this:

Using dashes:

  • First item
  • Second item
    • Third item
    • Fourth item
  • Fifth item

4. Using asterisks:

  • Example:

You can code like this:

* First item
* Second item
    * Third item
    * Fourth item
* Fifth item
  • This code chunk will output like this:

Using asterisks:

  • First item
  • Second item
    • Third item
    • Fourth item
  • Fifth item

5. Using plus signs:

  • Example:

You can code like this:

+ First item
+ Second item
    + Third item
    + Fourth item
+ Fifth item
  • This code chunk will output like this:

Using plus signs:

  • First item
  • Second item
    • Third item
    • Fourth item
  • Fifth item

6. Using alphabets:

  • Example:

You can code like this:

a. First item
b. Second item
    a. Third item
    b. Fourth item
c. Fifth item

w. First item
a. Second item
    c. Third item
    y. Fourth item
a. Fifth item
  • This code chunk will output like this:

Using alphabets:

  1. First item

  2. Second item

    1. Third item
    2. Fourth item
  3. Fifth item

  4. First item

  5. Second item

    1. Third item
    2. Fourth item
  6. Fifth item

7. Using different delimiters:

  • Example:

You can code like this:

+ First item
- Second item
    * Third item
    + Fourth item
* Fifth item
  • This code chunk will output like this:

Using different delimiters:

  • First item
  • Second item
    • Third item
    • Fourth item
  • Fifth item

Using different delimiters in the same list has no effect on the list organized by markdown.

Be careful, you need to make sure you add a blank line before the list starts.

You can also use a backslash, “", to escape a period,”.”, if you do not want to create a list and still need a period after a number or alphabet. Task Lists - To-Do List

  • To add a task/to-do list, you can add this sign, “- [ ]”, or this sign, “- [x]”, before each item in your task/to-do list.

  • Example:

You can code like this:

- [ ] Task not completed
- [x] Task completed
  • This code chunk will output like this:

In your rendered HTML file, you can check or uncheck the completion marks in the small box at the front of each task. Images

  • To add images from your local computer or a website, you can add an exclamation mark, “!”, followed by a description or other text enclosing with brackets, “[]”, and a path/URL to the image enclosing with parentheses, “()”.

  • Example:

You can code like this:

![This is a description to an online image](https://today.uconn.edu/2023/01/

![This is a description to a local image](/Users/shiyili/
  • The render output will show like this:

This is a description to an online image. Tables

  • To create a table, you can use three or more hyphens, “—”, and pipes, “|”, to create and separate each column respectively.

  • Example:

You can code like this:

1. Each cell with the same width in code chunk:

|            | 1st Column | 2nd Column | 3rd Column | ...... |
| ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ------ |
| 1st Row    |    123     |     123    |     123    |   123  |
| 2nd Row    |    123     |     123    |     123    |   123  |
| 3rd Row    |    123     |     123    |     123    |   123  |
| ......     |    123     |     123    |     123    |   123  |

2. Each cell with vary width in code chunk:

|            | 1st Column | 2nd Column | 3rd Column | ...... |
| ------ | ---------- | ---------- | ---------- | ------ |
| 1st Row |     123       |      123      |     123       |    123    |
| 2nd Row      |     123       |     123       |      123      |   123     |
| 3rd Row  |      123      |      123      |     123       |    123    |
| ......         |      123      |     123       |      123      |    123    |
  • This code chunk will output like this:
  1. Each cell with the same width in code chunk:
1st Column 2nd Column 3rd Column ……
1st Row 123 123 123 123
2nd Row 123 123 123 123
3rd Row 123 123 123 123
…… 123 123 123 123
  1. Each cell with vary width in code chunk:
1st Column 2nd Column 3rd Column ……
1st Row 123 123 123 123
2nd Row 123 123 123 123
3rd Row 123 123 123 123
…… 123 123 123 123

Cell width can vary, because markdown will automatically detect and organize the table for you with the same width.***

  1. You can align text in the columns to the left, right, or center by adding a colon, “:”, to the left, right, or on both side of the hyphens, “—”, within the header (Cone, 2025).
  • Example:

You can code like this:

|            | 1st Column | 2nd Column | 3rd Column | ...... |
| :----------: | :---------- | :----------: | ----------: | ------: |
| 1st Row    |            123|       123     |  123          |        123|
| 2nd Row    |123            |    123        |           123 |123        |
| 3rd Row    |     123       |123            |     123       |   123     |
| ......     |   123         |            123| 123           |123        |
  • This code chunk will output like this:
1st Column 2nd Column 3rd Column ……
1st Row 123 123 123 123
2nd Row 123 123 123 123
3rd Row 123 123 123 123
…… 123 123 123 123 Code

  1. To add an inline code, you can add a backtick, “`”, before and after a word or a text.
  • Example:

You can code like this:

This is my `inline` code.

`This is my inline code.`
  • This will output like this:

This is my inline code.

This is my inline code.

  1. If you want to display a text with a backtick, “`”“, as an inline code, you can add a double backtick,”``“, before and after the text.
  • Example:

You can code like this:

``This is a `text` with backticks.``
  • This will output like this:

This is a `text` with backticks.

  1. To add a code block, you can indent each line of the text with more than four spaces or one tab.
  • Example:

You can code like this:

    This is a code block.

        This is a code block.

            This is a code block.

    This is a code block.
  • This will output like this:
    This is a code block.

        This is a code block.

            This is a code block.

    This is a code block.
  1. To add a fenced code block, you can add a blank line begining with three backticks, “```”, or three tilde signs, “~~~”, before and after your code blok.
  • Example:

You can code like this:

    This is my fenced code block.
    This is my fenced code block.
  • This will output like this:
This is my fenced code block.
This is my fenced code block.
  1. To add a nonexecutive Python code chunk, you can first add a fence code block for your code, then add a word, “python”, after the three backticks, “```”, in the first line of your fence code block.
  • Example :

You can code like this:

    print("This is a Python code chunk.")
  • This will output like this:
print("This is a Python code chunk.")
  1. To add an executive Python code chunk, you can first add a fence code block for your code, then add a word, “python”, with brackets, “{}”after the three backticks, “```”, in the first line of your fence code block.
  • Example:

You can code like this:

    print("This is a Python code chunk.")
  • This will output like this:
print("This is a Python code chunk.")
This is a Python code chunk.
  1. You can also make an executive Python code chunk not execute the commands inside the code chunk by adding “#| eval: false” to the first line of your code block.
  • Example:

You can code like this:

    #| eval: false

    print("This is a Python code chunk.")
  • This will output like this:
print("This is a Python code chunk.")

If you add just “#| eval: true” to your code chunk, this code chunk will execute the commands as usual and output the results.

If you just add “#| echo: false” to your code chunk, then your code chunk will not be displayed in your rendered output, but the commands in your code chunk will still be executed as usual and the result of the code chunk will be displayed.

If you just add “#| output: false” to your code chunk, then the commands in your code chunk will be displayed as usual in the rendered output, but the result of your code chunk will not be displayed. Math Notation - Using LaTeX in Markdown

  1. To displace an inline math equation, you can add a dollar sign, “$”, before and after the math equation.
  • Example:

You can code like this:

This is a quadratic equation, $ax^2+bx+c=0$.

This is a quadratic equation roots formula, $x = {(-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac})}/{2b}$.
  • This code chunk will output like this:

This is a quadratic equation, \(ax^2+bx+c=0\).

This is a quadratic equation roots formula, \(x = {(-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac})}/{2b}\).

In an inline math equation, make sure you use the division symbol instead of “\frac{}{}”.

  1. You can center an math equation by adding double dollar signs, “$$”, before and after the math equation.
  • Example:

You can code like this:

This is a quadratic equation 

This is a quadratic equation roots formula 
x = {(-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac})}/{2b}.
  • This code chunk will output like this:

This is a quadratic equation \[ ax^2+bx+c=0. \]

This is a quadratic equation roots formula \[ x = {(-b \pm \sqrt{b^2-4ac})}/{2b}. \]

Be careful not to add punctuation before a centered math equation.

If you want to add a period after a centered math equation, make sure you add it after the end of the math equation and before the second double dollar sign, “$$”. Footnotes

  • To add notes and refercences without confusing for body content, you can add a caret sign, “^”, follwed by a identifier number or words without any spaces and tabs inside a brackets, “[]”.

  • Example:

you can code like this:

This is a body paragraph, and I have a note [^short_footnotes] want to 
add here. [^long_footnotes]

[^short_footnotes]: This is a notes.

[^long_footnotes]: This is a notes with multiple paragraphs.
    You can include paragraphs in your footnotes using indentation like this.
        This is a fenced code block.
    This is the end of this footnote.
  • This code chunk will output like this:

This is a body paragraph, and I have two notes 1 want to add here. 2

Clicking on the footnote number in the body content, will take you to the location where the footnote exists in the document.

All footnotes are automatically numbered sequentially at the end of the rendered HTML files and at the bottom of the page where the footnote exists in rendered PDF files.

In the rendered HTML file, each footnote displayed at the end of the document is followed by a link that, when clicked, takes you back to the specific location of the footnote in your body content. You can also move your mouse over the footnote number in the body content, and the content of the footnote will automatically appear below the footnote number.

3.3.5 Conclusion

Markdown is a simple yet powerful way to format text for documentation, blogging, and technical writing. With its easy-to-read syntax, you can structure documents, highlight key points, and present data effectively. It’s widely used in open-source projects, academic writing, and web content due to its flexibility and seamless conversion to HTML, PDF, and DOCX. Mastering Markdown can help you create clear, well-organized content with minimal effort.

3.3.6 Further Readings

  1. [Markdown Cheet Sheet] (Cone, 2025): A quick reference to the Markdown syntax.
  2. [Quarto Markdown Basic] (Dervieux, 2025): Markdown basic for Quarto.
  3. [GitHub Flavored Markdown (GFM)] (MacFarlane, 2019): Markdown features specific to GitHub.
  4. [Jupyter Notebook Markdown] (MacFarlane, 2006): Use Markdown for interactive data science.

  1. This is a notes.↩︎

  2. This is a notes with multiple paragraphs. You can include paragraphs in your footnotes using indentation like this.

        print(This is a fenced code block.)
        You can add any thing inside this fenced code block.

    This is the end of this footnote.↩︎