
13. Exercises

  1. Write a function to demonstrate the Monty Hall problem through simulation. The function takes two arguments ndoors and ntrials, representing the number of doors in the experiment and the number of trails in a simulation, respectively. The function should return the proportion of wins for both the switch and no-switch strategy. Apply your function with 3 doors and 5 doors, both with 1000 trials.

  2. Write a function to do a Monte Carlo approximation of \(\pi\). The function takes a Monte Carlo sample size n as input, and returns a point estimate of \(\pi\) and a 95% confidence interval. Apply your function with sample size 1000, 2000, 4000, and 8000. Comment on the results.

  3. Find the first 10-digit prime number occurring in consecutive digits of \(e\). This was a Google recruiting ad.

  4. This is simulation study for the MLE.

    1. Write a function to obtain the MLE of the parameters of a generalized extreme value distribution with a random sample. The input is the random sample vector x. The outputs are the MLE vector of the three parameters and the vector of their standard errors.

    2. Let \(\theta\) be the true parameter vector containing the location, scale, and the shape parameters. Write a function to conduct a simulation study; the inputs are \(\theta\), sample size \(n\), and the number of replicates nrep.

    3. Conduct the simulation study with \(\theta = (0, 1, 0.2)\), sample size \(n \in \{100, 200\}\), with nrep = 200.

    4. Summarize your results; commenting on whether your MLE on average recover the true \(\theta\) and whether your standard errors on average reflect the true standard error of the MLE.

  5. The NYC motor vehicle collisions crash table contains details on the crashes. The dataset we are using contains the crashes in January 2022.

    1. Create a frequency table of the number of crashes by borough.

    2. Create a hour variable with integer values from 0 to 23, and plot of the histogram of crashes by hour.

    3. Take Brooklyn as an example, overlay the locations of the crashes on the map of Brooklyn.

    4. Make the same map but by every 3 hours in a day.

  6. The most accessed dataset at the NYC Open Data is DOB Job Application Fillings https://data.cityofnewyork.us/Housing-Development/DOB-Job-Application-Filings/ic3t-wcy2. This dataset contains all job applications submitted through the Borough Offices, through eFiling, or through the HUB, which have a “Latest Action Date” since January 1, 2000. The data dictionary contains the variable definitions. We downloaded a subset containing jobs with a fully permitted date in the calendar year of 2021.

    1. Use the raw data to create a data frame containing those jobs of type A2 (an application with multiple types of work that do not affect the use, egress, or occupancy of the building) and building type 1-2-3 FAMILY, with the following columns:

      • borough, the burough where the job will take place;

      • entry_date, the date on which the data entry is complete and payment has been made;

      • approved_date, the date on which the job has been approved by the plan examiner;

      • latitude, geographical latitude of the building;

      • longitude, geographical longitude of the building;

      • cost_est, dollar amount of the cost estimate.

    2. Plot the distribution of the number of days that it take to approve a job application; do it by borough. Comment on your findings.

    3. Take Brooklyn as an example, overlay the building locations of the job applications on a Google map.

    4. Based on the data, come up a meaningful question that can be answered by the data, and report your findings.

  7. The NYC MV collisions data contains a column of the number of persons killed and a column of the number of persons killed.

    1. Check if the number of persons killed is the summation of the number of pedestrians killed, cyclist killed, and motorists killed. From now on, use the number of persons killed as the sum of the pedestrians, cyclists, and motorists killed

    2. Construct a cross table for the number of persons killed by the contributing factors of vehicle one. Collapse the contributing factors with a count of less than 100 to “other”. Is there any association between the contributing factors and the number of persons killed?

    3. Create a new variable death which is one if the number of persons killed is 1 or more; and zero otherwise. Construct a cross table for death versus borough. Test the null hypothesis that the two variables are not associated.

    4. Fit a logistic model with death as the outcome variable and covariates that are available in the data or can be engineered from the data. Example covariates are crash hour, borough, number of vehicles involved, etc. Interprete your results.

    5. In preparation for the class event at the NYC Open Data Week on March 8, suggest a meaningful question that can be answered by the data (but no need answer it this time; that will be for next week). You may think about comparison with data from other periods, in which case, you will need to download the right data.

  8. Consider the NYC DOB job applications dataset. The column “Professional Cert” indicates whether or not the application was submitted as Professionally Certified. A Professional Engineer (PE) or Registered Architect (RA) can certify compliance with applicable laws and codes on applications filed by him/her as applicant. Include this variable in the data frame that was prepared earlier.

    1. Compare the distribution of the waiting time until approval by professionally certified or not. Test the null hypothesis that the waiting time until approval is independent of whether the application was professionally certified.

    2. Compare the distribution of the waiting time until approval by borough. Test the null hypothesis that the waiting time are the same across all boroughs.

    3. Compare the distribution of the waiting time until approval by five equally sized groups ordered by the logarithm of the estimated cost. Test the null hypothesis that the waiting time is independent of the estimated cost.

    4. Build a linear regression model to predict the waiting time until approval with all the covariates you have created. Interpret your results.

    5. In preparation for the class event as the NYC Open Data Week on March 8, suggest a meaningful questions that can be answered by the data (again, work on the answer next week).

  9. Open data preparation for the NYC Open Data Week event on Tuesday, March 8. Coordinate among the groups who worked on the NYC collision data and the NYC DOB job application data so that each data is analyzed by two teams, one on exploratory analysis/visualization and the other on analytics.

    1. Cretate your presentation slides using Jupyter Notebook. One tutorial that may be useful is this Medium article. No powerpoint please. Target your presentations for 15 minutes plus 5 minutes for questions.

    2. Keep in mind that the audience are the general public. So please make your presentation accessible and attractive.

    3. In a separate markdown file named contributions.md, document the contributions of each team member. The team leaders will be finalized on Tuesday, March 1.

  10. Consider a subset of the 311 service requests data from the NYC Open Data, which contains the service request created in the week from 12:00 am 01/23 to 12 pm 01/29, 2022. The dataset in CSV format is now in our repo (data/311_012322_013022.csv).

    1. Plot the frequencies of the requests versus the hours they were created by borough using plotnine.

    2. For those requests that are closed, visualize the time period it took to close them by the hours they were created.

    3. Formulate a hypothesis to test whether there is an association between the hours created and the time to close for the requests. State your hypothesis, and test it with an appropriate test, and summarize the result.

    4. Create a binary variable to indicate whether the time to close is longer than 24 hours. Note that for many requests that are still open, this variable can be calculated. Fit a logistic model to predict this variable. Interprete two of the regression coefficients.

    5. Overlay the locations of the incidents on a Google map by day.

  11. Project proposal. A data science project proposal consists of the following components:

    • Problem statement. This is where your research question is formulated. Given background on the research question, why it is interesting, who are interested, what has been known, and some references.

    • Data. Describe the data sources that you will use to answer the research question you formulated. Make sure the data are available and adequate. Give a summary of the data preparation you expect to do.

    • Analytic tasks. Give some specific tasks that you plan for your analysis. It could include exploratory analysis, visualizations, modeling, inferences, tests, prediction, and comparison with competing methods, among others.

  12. Interim project discussion. Please sign up a 20-minute slot to discuss your final project with me on Thursday, 04/14 and Friday, 04/15.







Mathew Chandy


Sam Hughes




Thalia Taffe



Peter Busa





Zhenyu Xu


Sinchan Sharma


Robbie Shamirian


Pranav Tavildar




Taelor McClurg
