2. Markdown Basics

Markdown is an incredible tool for developing readable files for people to view. Using Markdown you can present your code and ideas in a format that is much easier to understand.

2.1. Tables

The table making process in markdown is interesting. You need to actually make a table with | this symbol and dash marks - For example:

| Column 1      | Column 2      | Column 3  |
| Row 1         |               |           |
| Row 2         |               |           |
| Row 3         |               |           |

This piece of code would look like this when run throw markdown:

Column 1

Column 2

Column 3

Row 1

Row 2

Row 3

2.2. Now a quick rundown of all the boring things that people should know but aren’t worth an entire talk on

What it is?

How You do it?

Example code

Shown example


Surround the words you want to use with a single asterisk

*like this* or _this way_

like this or this way


Surround the words you want to use with two single asterisk

**example text** or __other example text__

example text or other example text

Bold AND Italic

Surround the words you want to use with three single asterisk

***Last One*** or ___I promise___

Last One or I promise


Surround text with two tiltes

~~This is what it looks like~~

~~This is what it looks like~~


Place the text you want in brackets next to the link you want in parenthesis

If you don’t care about the title just put it in <>

[What time is it.com](http://www.whattimeisit.com/) <https://www.google.com/>

What time is it.com


same as a URL link but with an ! before it

![husky logo](https://uconn-today-universityofconn.netdna-ssl.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/husky_qa.jpg.jpeg)

husky logo

Other things that need to be shared cannot go into the table so here are the rest of the basics

2.3. Numbering

  1. If you put a number in front of the point it numbers it

  2. Here is an example of the text

  3. 1. It's that easy
    2. Just like this

  4. You can actually number them however you’d like

  1. If you start with 7 it begins at 7

  2. But from there on out

  3. You can do

  4. Whatever you want

7. If you start with 7 it begins at 7
2. But from there on out
1. You can do
35. Whatever you want

2.4. Titles

Use # the pound sign. Each of the numbers correspondes to the number of pound signs

2.5. 22222

2.5.1. 33333 44444

2.6. Bullet Points and other listing

  • You just put a -, *, or + before the word making sure to give a space between them

  • - Just like that or * or use this or + or this

    • Also if you tab in you can put a bullet further in

      • You

        • Can

          • Keep

            • Going

              • Forever

2.7. Block quotes

This is a block quote. You make it by putting > this in front

Put two to make a nested block quote

You can then put info in between the breaks as long as there is a full line with nothing between them

Then hop right back in. I think this would help with citations or general notes







Additionally, when wanting multiple lines you can’t put two block quotes back to back. Let me show you.
>Good Day
Comes out as

Hello Good Day

But if you do this
>You are great
>You deserve to be happy

It comes our correctly as

You are great

You deserve to be happy

2.8. Highlighting Info

Placing a back dash around code gives inline code or can be used to highlight important information

This is the symbol `
Do not use the normal which looks like this -> ' You want this-> `

2.9. In-line code

Different Programming Languages can be used in markdown

2.9.1. Any generic code

    {If you surroudning the code in three back dashes 
    You can do literally anything and it'll 
    display as you'd expect normally}
    [by adding the name of the language after the first set
    of back dashes you can have the words color as
    you'd expect in the language]

2.9.2. Java

var s = "This is java";

2.9.3. Python

s = "This is Python"
print s

2.10. Task list

Personally, I love task list more than is probably reasonable for a person but they’re the only way I can get things done
Creating them in Markdown is easy.
- [x] Done
- [ ] Not done

  • [x] Done

  • [ ] Not done

2.11. Additional fun tricks using HTML

2.11.1. Collapsable Menus

CLICK ME You can put things inside of dropdowns

<summary>CLICK ME</summary>
You can put things inside of dropdowns

2.11.2. Aligning images with the different sides of the sheet

This is the code you need to align images to the left:
<img align="left" width= "50" height="50" src="https://supplyroom.s3.amazonaws.com/F/FS-/FS-P/FS-PA-1_W.png">

This is the code you need to align images to the right:
<img align="right" width= "50" height="50" src="https://supplyroom.s3.amazonaws.com/F/FS-/FS-P/FS-PA-1_W.png">

If you do nothing it will automatically allign with the middle.

2.11.3. Changing Font Color

To make blue or green or red text you just need to change that setting the code like this.
<span style="color:blue">blue text</span>.

2.12. Mathematical and Statistical operations

As we are in a stat class I think it is only right that I show how to make mathematical formulas

The Name

the Code

The Image






















General Power



Square Root



General Root






















































Sigma Notation



Pi Notation







$\int_0^\infty \mathrm{x},\mathrm{d}x$

\(\int_0^\infty \mathrm{x},\mathrm{d}x\)







2.13. Other Fun Helpful notes

  1. Triple Underscore, Asterisk, or dash gives you a line to break up text

  1. Adding a <br> in your code will force a line break
    a. This can be very helpful for keeping lines condensed in a readable format
    b. For example, in this code right here the sublist (a,b) function doesn’t exist so I forced line breaks and added it

Here’s the code

2. Adding a <br> in your code will force a line break
a. This can be very helpful for keeping lines condensed in a readable format
b. For example, in this code right herem the sublist (a,b) function doesn''t exist so I forced line break and added it

Without the line breaks it would look like this

  1. Adding a <br> in your code will force a line break a. This can be very helpful for keeping lines condensed in a readable format b. For example, in this code right here the sublist (a,b) function doesn’t exist so I forced line break and added it

  2. You can use HTML formatting to display things

    • I found this useful because some things cannot be displayed in Markdown because their functions prevent it

    • By using HTML you can type whatever you’d like and the functions of those symbols wont interfer

    • Displaying the symbol for highlighting things was very difficult until I did that

  3. If you are using the back ticks to show information and would like to show the back ticks there is a trick for it

  • This line right here is in back ticks but `I can still` show the back ticks

  • This can be done by starting the string with a double set of back ticks and using a single back tick for the info inside the back ticks

  • The line above looks like this

  • This line right here is in back ticks but `I can still` show the back ticks

  1. In some situations you can display code or other text using a single tab for convenience
    `Notice how you an see the back dash here````` That’s because this line is tabbed in once’

  2. You can also cancel any special character by putting a \ before it \*I like volleyball\* should display like this

    I like volleyball

    not like this

    I like volleyball

Thank you!